SESIL News & Impact Stream
3 min readApr 2, 2020


Our current issue of the newsletter comes to you as we face unprecedented times following the declaration by the World Health Organization of the coronavirus pandemic as a global public health emergency. In the last few weeks, SESIL has monitored the rapidly evolving responses globally and at home, here in Uganda. At the time of publication, the Ministry of Health in Uganda has confirmed 45 cases of COVID-19. To ensure the safety and health of everyone in the country, H.E. the President has issued comprehensive directives and guidelines across different sectors including the closure of schools, restriction on movements and suspension of non-essential operations or businesses.

SESIL’s work requires close collaboration with others in the education system, and the safety measures highlighted in the directives and guidelines have an immediate impact on our programming and interactions in the coming weeks. In line with the Presidential directives, the Ministry of Health and other Government guidelines and with SESIL’s internal protocols, our focus has been on ensuring the safety and well-being of those we work closely with including our team embedded in the 27 Local Governments and the Ministry of Education and Sports (MOES) at the central level.

The SESIL team, including our District Systems Strengthening Coordinators, are currently working from home. We have temporarily scaled down our routine programming and rescheduled activities including all planned pieces of training and external meetings. These decisions have been taken considering advice from across the globe that restricting movements and interaction is the most effective means of reducing risk to ourselves, our families and society as a whole.

Our commitment to working with the education system at the school, Local Government and central Ministry levels to contribute to improving learning outcomes remains stronger than ever! As the situation continues to evolve, our team is working work vigorously to ensure that no time is lost and that no child is left behind. We have identified three broad priorities to focus on during the school closures which include;

· Keeping children safe whilst schools are closed

· Supporting the continuation of learning during school closures

· Working with the Central Ministry and Local Governments to plan for school re-opening.

With support from DFID/SESIL and other Education Development Partners including UNICEF, Save the Children and USAID, the Ministry of Education and Sports is in the advanced stages of finalizing its COVID-19 Response Plan. The Ministry’s response plan will form the basis of SESIL and other partners’ response to the impact of COVID-19 on the sector. We continue to explore various options to implement the priorities identified considering the challenges faced by the children and Local Governments we work with, many of whom do not have access to technology such as online learning platforms.

SESIL would like to thank the MoES, the Local Governments, DFID, school management, other Education Development Partners and our staff for all their resilience, dedication and patience during these uncertain times. We shall share additional information in the coming days and weeks as this emerges, and we hope that amidst the challenges, we identify opportunities to ‘Build Back Better’. We wish each one of you and your families safety and health and look forward to continuing our close collaborations remotely.

— Laura Garforth, SESIL Team Leader

To read the SESIL Quarter 3 newsletter, click here



SESIL News & Impact Stream

The UK aid-funded Strengthening Education Systems for Improved Learning (SESIL) programme